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1.  V. Coll, M. Gerstenhaber, and A. Giaquinto, An explicit deformation formula with non-commuting derivations,

Ring theory-Weizmann Science Press, Jerusalem 1 (1989), 396-403.

2.  V. Coll,  M. Gerstenhaber, and S. Schack, Universal deformation formulas and breaking symmetry,

Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 90 (1993), 201-219.

3.  V. Coll, A. Giaquinto, and C. Magnant, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras,

Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications 5 (2011), 1-7.

4.  V. Coll and M. Gerstenhaber, The cohomology of Lie poset algebras, Journal of Lie Theory, to appear.

5.  V. Coll, M. Hyatt, M. Magnant and H. Wang, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebras II,

Journal of Generalized Lie Theory and Applications, to appear.

6.  V. Coll, and M. Hyatt, Meander graphs and Frobenius seaweed Lie algebra III, preprint.

7.  V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang , The unbroken spectrum of principal elements of sl(n), preprint.

8.  V. Coll, M. Magnant and H. Wang, On the index of biparabolic (seaweed) subalgebras of sl(n), preprint.


9.  V. Coll and J. Dodd, Generalizing the equal area zones property of the sphere,

Journal of Geometry 90 (2008), 47-55.

11.  V. Coll,  J. Dodd, and M. Harrison, On the smoothness of the equizonal ovaloids,

Journal of Geometry 103 (2013), 409-416.

12.  V. Coll and M. Harrison, Hypersurfaces of revolution with proportional principal curvatures,

Advances in Geometry 13 (2013), 485-496.

13.  V. Coll and M. Harrison, Hypersurfaces of revolution with proportional principal curvatures II: the space forms, preprint.

14.  V. Coll, J. Dodd, and M. Harrison, The Archimedean Projection Property, preprint.

15.  V. Coll, J. Dodd, and D.Johnson,, Extrinsic representations of Ricci flow on surfaces of revolution, preprint.

16.  V. Coll and D.Johnson, Higher-order sectional curvature, preprint.

17.  V. Coll, J. Dodd, and D.Johnson, A smooth extrinsic representation of toroidal surfaces of revolution, preprint.

Graph Theory/Combinatorics

18.  V. Coll,  C. Magnant, and K. Ryan,  The structure of colored complete graphs free of proper cycles,

Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 19(4) (2012), #33.

19.  V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, Graph linkage with prescribed lengths, preprint.

20.  V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, Semi-linkage with prescribed lengths, preprint.

21.  V. Coll, C. Magnant, and A Halperin, The Enomoto-Ota conjecture is true for large graphs, preprint.


American Mathematical Monthly

22.  V. Coll and M. Harrison, Two generalizations of a property of the catenary,

American Mathematical Monthly, 121 (2014), 109-119.

23.  V. Coll and J. Dodd, A broad averaging property of the catenary,

American Mathematical Monthly, 123 (2016), to appear.

Mathematics Magazine

24.  V. Coll and J. Dodd, Which surfaces of revolution core like a sphere?

Mathematics Magazine 83 (2010), 191-199.

25.  V. Coll and M. Qirjollari, Characterizing power functions by hypervolumes of revolution,

Mathematics Magazine, 87 (2014), 225-227.

26.  V. Coll and M. Harrison, Gabriel’s horn-a revolutionary tale,

Mathematics Magazine, to appear.

College Mathematics Journal

27.  V. Coll, J. Davis, M. Hall, C. Magnant, James Stankewicz, and H. Wang, Integer solutions to box optimization problems, College Mathematics Journal, 45 (2014), 180-190.


28.  V. Coll and J. Dodd, Algebra II with trigonometry exam for 2009 Alabama statewide mathematics contest.